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 1. Lee Ann Brown  The Chemical Literature  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-15-2004 
 2. Lee Ann Brown  The Chemical Literature  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-15-2004 
 3. Friday Bridge  Literature    
 4. Friday Bridge  Literature    
 5. Friday Bridge  Literature    
 6. Lydia Davis, Edith Grossman  Literature in Translation  UPenn, KWH/October 22, 2003 
 7. Eva March Tappan  13 - Schools and Literature  When Knights Were Bold 
 8. Robert Duncan  Physics and Literature  Physics and Literature, Miriam College, 1978 
 9. Lydia Davis, Edith Grossman  Literature in Translation  UPenn, KWH/October 22, 2003 
 10. Robert Duncan  Physics and Literature  Physics and Literature, Miriam College, 1978 
 11. Eva March Tappan  13 - Schools and Literature  When Knights Were Bold 
 12. Tom Porter with Lizz Sinclair  Literature & Medicine Interview   
 13. Tom Porter with Lizz Sinclair  Literature & Medicine Interview   
 14. WireTap Pro  working class literature   
 15. Dr. Norbert Elliot  Lecture 02 - Writing About Literature  LIT-330: World Literature 
 16. Oscar Wilde, ed. Robert Ross  36 - A Sentimental Journey Through Literature  Reviews 
 17. :: Johnee Bee  Mostly Trivial show 2 Literature  MostlyTrivial.com 
 18. Dr. Norbert Elliot  Lecture 03 - The Literature of Europe  LIT-331: World Literature II 
 19. Dr. Norbert Elliot  Lecture 18 - Issolation in Australia Literature  LIT-330: World Literature 
 20. Bjorn, Renee, Lone, Donny  Bookbabble Episode 47: Music & Literature  Bookbabble 
 21. William C. Faulkner  Accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature   
 22. James Howze  Young Adult Literature : When My Name Was Keoko  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 23. Flannery O'Connor  Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Literature   
 24. Yomaira Prusak  Young Adult Literature : Copper Sun  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 25. Allison Whittingham  Young Adult Literature : When My Name Was Keoko  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 26. Allison Whittingham  Young Adult Literature : When My Name Was Keoko  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 27. Dr. Norbert Elliot  Lecture 02 - Writing About World Literature  LIT-331: World Literature II 
 28. Elizabeth Alexander  Ars Poetica #21: Graduate Study of Literature  Brave Testimony Reading at the Kelly Writers House, April 14, 2004 
 29. Dr. Norbert Elliot  Lecture 01 - An Introduction to World Literature II  LIT-331: World Literature II 
 30. Elizabeth Alexander  Ars Poetica #21: Graduate Study of Literature  Brave Testimony Reading at the Kelly Writers House, April 14, 2004 
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